European Union

Lithuanians are only concerned with the size of MEP wages

What were the European Parliament elections in Lithuania like? Easily predicted. The large parties won, EP veterans and more conspicuous than any other electoral campaign participant Aušra Maldeikienė won. As long as the EP exists, Lithuanian poles will have a permanent place there. V. Uspaskich will continue being elected until he himself grows bored of it, Mečys Laurinkus writes in

R. Paksas’ failure was also predictable. He was not aided by meetings with either V. Putin or A. Lukashenko. The politician‘s supporters could have realised even earlier, with whom he was really associated.

While climate change is one of the greatest challenges to Europe and the Greens are influential in the EP, the result of the Lithuanian Green Party in the elections was also preordained. One is that voters confuse it with the Farmer Greens, second, ecological problems remain more popular in the West, with them not having reached the conscious of the Lithuanian voter. They are uninteresting to the older generations, while the younger ones are still unable to hold more sway on the political arena.

The historical path of the Lithuanian Greens are odd as well – from Sąjūdis founders to complete extinction. Neither did they rise up when the nuclear power plant in Astravyets began to rise. No links to Belarussian public figures, nor with other countries’ greens in the EP.

In my opinion, only a strong social movement in both Lithuania and a European Greens-supported discontent in Belarus could have tried to stop the constructions, which pose a danger for Europe itself. Unfortunately, the Greens are represented by only one person in Seimas.

Astravyets could be use in European Parliament elections debates

From what debates suggest, after reaching the European Parliament, the Farmer Greens will take no interest in green problems. Neither will other Lithuanian representatives in the EP. What will they do?

It’s not hard to guess. Two people, as we have already heard from the annual report of MEP activity, will continue doing the same – nothing of particular significance for the EU or Lithuania, while others – depending on party politics in Lithuania. We have already heard from representatives of the party that won the most mandates in the EP that they do not plan to abandon their colleagues remaining in Seimas on their own in the “game of thrones.”

Perhaps voters will be more demanding to our current representatives in the EP than they were before? They won’t because Lithuanian citizens are almost completely disinterested in European Parliament elections in Lithuania. the EP, the EU’s problems or future. I was convinced of this as I was touring Lithuania.

It can be confidently said that after fifteen years as a member of the European Union, many of our country’s people have no grasp at all, what sort of system they live in. Truth be told, only the recent European noise regarding transportation has made at least the more aware part of the public take to the internet and seek out, just what the EP is and what is discussed here, what certain votes mean.

The organisers of the European Parliament elections in Lithuania debates, likely knowing the general level of awareness regarding the EU, avoided asking candidates, what they know of where and for what purpose they are going. The debates turned into exams in speaking English. Why not French?

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Different opinion about EU problems

Thoughts or even further, different opinions about EU problems, necessary reforms, and its future, about the role of the EP were nowhere to be heard even though this is Lithuania’s future as well. So what point is there to delve into the undergrowth of European problems presented by V. Radžvilas, when we must start from elementary things. First of all – what is what. The only fact that the “public” took in was how much an MEP earns.

But in part, the people’s unwillingness to delve into the complex problems of the EU can be excused. And what would change if you read up about the rising problems, challenges, and dangers? After all, whether the change is needed or not and what path the Union should go is decided by the major EU states. There are always those first among equals.

In other terms, there’s no difference, who will represent Lithuania – active or passive people or simply unsure, where to put their money and going to the elections for lack of anything better to do. Even without sociological studies, I believe that such an “attitude” toward not only the EP is dominant. By the way, not only in Lithuania. And, of course, it is very dangerous.

Sooner or later, a time of fateful changes will reach the EU, failing to prepare for which, acting on inertia, without thinking much you both reach the “welfare state” heaven and lose even more independence.

The EU after Brexit

When Brexit ends, proposals will pour in on how to prevent other exits. From the very start, the idea of the EU is an idea of European integration. Integration can be delayed, which is happening right now, but it cannot stop. If it stops, the project fails. The EU is a voluntary gradual relinquishing of independence among member states.

The numerous and confusing EU documents state nowhere, at what point the delegation of functions to the “centre” must halt. When the battles end for the main EU institution posts and when we bid our final farewell to the British, two options for further integration will emerge – the softer and the harder. The harder is rapid integration, which side-lines those lagging behind. The softer is more alike right now. Both will have many supporters, perhaps equally many.

As we already know, there will also be those urging to shut down the EU project. Even within five or ten years. What does Lithuania need of its MEPs? Not much.

One is that they would humanly and understandably explain the situation. Second – each of them should show the Lithuanian people, what exactly they have done. Third – to fight in unison for Lithuania’s position when the final moment comes.

However, a key question emerges – will Lithuania have such a position? The intensively advertised electoral roll of V. Radžvilas did not receive a spot on the EP. But a public discussion will emerge because to continue the practice of a decade and talk about EU problems as if something buried would be foolish. I believe that President G. Nausėda too will support such a discussion.


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