Kęstutis Girnius

Opinion: Information war – no need for mobilization yet

The heralds of information wars are disconcerted, identify ever more battlefields, call on proper mobilisation. The latest example is the response of Aleksandras Matonis to a report aired on the Russian TV, in which members of the expedition Mission Russia have been referred to as tourists following the traces of the WW II victims and reportedly hoping that in the future joint Russian-Lithuanian groups would be travelling Europe to pay homage to the fallen Soviet soldiers. The leader of the expedition said such hope was actually expressed by the Russian journalist. […]


Lithuania edges down in Freedom House democracy index

Lithuania has dropped in Freedom House‘s democracy index due to the country’s law enforcement’s actions against BNS news agency. But in terms of media independence and the general assessment, the Baltic country remains one of the most democratic countries among those that have gone through changes in their political systems. […]