Latvian President Andris Bērziņš

EU Council presidency to be factored into President Bērziņš’ Victory Day invitation to Moscow, foreign minister says

In deciding whether Latvian President Andris Bērziņš should attend Russia‘s Victory Day celebrations in Moscow on May 9, he should take into account the fact that Latvia is presiding over the Council of the European Union, said Latvia’s Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs in an interview to the LNT show “900 sekundes”. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė and Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Lithuanian president: Jets near Baltic air-space are sign of Russian stupidity, not power

The increasingly frequent Russian provocations by flying its military jets close to the Baltic air-space shows “stupidity, not power,” says Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė. […]