Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė

Opinion:Political Correctness – a road to hell paved with good intentions

A year ago, when Islamist radicals shot and killed eight members of Charlie Hebdo’s editorial office, Europe bravely stood up for freedom of speech and declared it would not be intimidated. A free press is exactly what separates us from undemocratic regimes, and we will fight for it. When those attacks happened, we couldn’t have dreamed in our worst nightmares that Europe itself would soon voluntarily give up freedom of speech, embracing a new era of political correctness where democratic states like Germany or Sweden would be reluctant to share the real truth. […]

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Opinion: Waiting for the barbarians, or why fairytales get censored in Lithuania (I)

In her fairy tale book Amber Heart, Neringa Dangvydė addresses “the twilight zone”: same-sex marriage, shifting identities, social exclusion taking place in front of our eyes (or carried out by us ourselves). Those things are still awkward to speak of; they are difficult to find the right words for, as well as a fitting place in the discourse. […]