Blockchain Centre Vilnius CEO Justas Šireika

Blockchain Centre Vilnius to be headed by Justas Šireika

Technology companies from 14 countries around the world, including Australia, China, Canada, Switzerland and others have established partnership with Blockchain Centre Vilnius (BCV), which was founded just a year ago. In an annual event hosted by the centre on January 23, blockchain technology experts from the World Trade Organisation, European Commission and Parliament, as well as Lithuanian institutions gathered to discuss the application of blockchain technology in international trade. During the event, Justas Šireika was introduced: he will be taking charge of the BCV, as well as a new start-up financing fund, according to a Blockchain Centre Vilnius press release. […]

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M. Laurinavičius: Revolut is involved with the Kremlin from beginning to end

A month ago, Lithuania was the first country in Europe to grant a specialised banking license to the company Revolut, which caused member of Seimas Stasys Jakeliūnas suspicions. The MP contacted the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT) and State Security Department (VSD), asking them to check the financial company’s business model and links to Russian politicians, writes. […]

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Revolut turns new page with Lithuania-facilitated banking license

Today, Revolut together with the Bank of Lithuania have announced that the challenger bank received a Specialised Banking License, which will allow offering and passporting an even wider range of solutions to customers in Europe. The move of getting a license in mainland Europe has been considered by many a hedge against Brexit. Having received both the Specialised Banking license and Electronic Money Institution facilitated by the Bank of Lithuania, Revolut is now effectively safe from any decision regarding Britain leaving the EU. From 2019, Revolut will start accepting deposits and offering retail and business lending, making it an even bigger rival for traditional banks, a press release from Invest Lithuania states. […]

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Lithuania’s financial regulator launches its regulatory sandbox

Startups and other businesses developing financial technologies (FinTech) will soon be able to test their innovative products in a live environment under the guidance and supervision of the central bank of Lithuania. Submission of applications to enter the Bank of Lithuania regulatory sandbox opens on 15 October 2018, a press release from the institution states. […]


Lithuania made a triple jump into becoming the European FinTech centre

The fact about Lithuania as one the most favourable and friendly jurisdiction for FinTech companies, planning to offer payment service across the EU is spreading out. 30 electronic money institutions had activity licences issued by the Bank of Lithuania licenses in 2017, as in 2016 there were just 12. According the information, announced by the Bank of Lithuania on 29th January 2017, about 100 companies are on consultations about licencing opportunities in Lithuania and 19 are now under review. So what factors influenced such growth and interest in FinTech licensing in Lithuania? […]


FinTech development in Lithuania gathering pace

Favourable conditions for the development of financial technologies (FinTech) in Lithuania have already attracted numerous domestic and foreign companies. Upon implementation of planned initiatives for fostering FinTech development, the sector is likely to attract more investment and create more jobs, while consumers may be offered a wider range of financial services. […]

Banksy painting Brexit

Lithuania – new destination for UK financial institutions loosing “passporting rights” after BREXIT

As it is almost clear that that UK banks, investment managers, payment service providers and other financial institutions will lose their “passporting rights” to do business in the European Union, Lithuania competes in attracting international financial companies leaving the UK. The Northern country uses the opportunity to become the forefront of financial technologies in the region and there are many reasons to believe about this success. An attractive legal and technological environment, business minded and advanced supervisory authority open to financial market innovations, qualified and competitive workforce, opportunities to operate across the EU basing from Lithuania – that‘s what put Lithuania to one of the best places on the global FinTech map already now. […]