4 reasons why you should start looking for Christmas presents right now

DELFI / Mindaugas Ažušilis

1. Less hustle and errors in placing the order. One of the biggest reasons why parcels never reach their buyers is errors in stating the address, ZIP code, name, and other important contact information. On top of that, due to the immense flow of orders in the holiday season, online shops too are prone to making mistakes in delivering the shopper’s contact details to the delivery company; so, the sooner you start preparing for the holidays, the lesser is the chance of making vexing mistakes.

2. Larger stock. From iconic perfumes and expensive domestic appliances to appealing discounts – right before the holidays, online shops tend to get swept clean just like their physical counterparts. Even though most online retailers try to prepare for the holidays and obtain a good stock of the goods that are in great demand well in advance, the most popular colours, sizes, and models disappear in a flash, and so do goods offered at a ‘season’s discount’, especially if the offer is really good. So, unless you wish to spend the last few days before Christmas trying to hunt down the last item you are after, visit the online shop right now and browse the entire stock at leisure.

3. A global choice of online retailers. While shipments of goods ordered from online retailers based in Lithuania might be due in a week, purchases from foreign countries or even continents could take a month to deliver, or even longer. Besides, delivery companies take time off during holidays in some countries, which could cause an even longer delay in delivery. ‘We constantly keep in touch with e-retailers and try to distribute the flows of shipments as optimally as we can, yet the holiday season always brings a lot of tension; therefore, the earlier you make your purchases, the higher is the chance of them being delivered on time,” says Gabrielius Bilevičius, DPD Lietuva’s Sales and Marketing Director.

4. Less influence from external factors. Inclement weather, long customs checks, disruptions in the operation of banking systems, insufficient packaging – when you buy Christmas presents a week before the holidays, any small thing could turn the anticipation of the holidays into an actual fever, keeping you guessing where your purchase went. Despite the significant improvements in e-retail over the past few years, this business is still susceptible to many external obstacles that no latest technology or retailers’ insightfulness can overcome, causing shoppers to plan their most important online purchases well in advance.

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