Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė

Where Vanagaitė and Paluckas are similar

Rūta Vanagaitė thought she would advertise her new book by slandering partisans, while Gintautas Paluckas and his entourage are using R. Vanagaitė’s scandal to announce their shift to the left because they lack any real […]

Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė

Opinion:Political Correctness – a road to hell paved with good intentions

A year ago, when Islamist radicals shot and killed eight members of Charlie Hebdo’s editorial office, Europe bravely stood up for freedom of speech and declared it would not be intimidated. A free press is exactly what separates us from undemocratic regimes, and we will fight for it. When those attacks happened, we couldn’t have dreamed in our worst nightmares that Europe itself would soon voluntarily give up freedom of speech, embracing a new era of political correctness where democratic states like Germany or Sweden would be reluctant to share the real truth. […]

Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė

Opinion: Winning back hearts and souls of Lithuania’s citizens

The West now faces bigger problems than Ukraine’s future or Russia’s plans for its neighbours. The growing threat of terrorism makes Russia more and more indispensable to its Western partners. That’s dangerous for the Baltic states because there’s no way that the Kremlin will renounce its aggressive goals, get lost in Syria or run out of resources for all of its front lines. […]

Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė

Opinion: What terrorists and Putin have in store for us

For days now many in the global and Lithuanian media have locked horns over the terrorist acts in Paris. There are some who say that freedom to express one’s convictions is above any religious or social group interests; others contend that cartoons published by the likes of Charlie Hebdo made merciless mockery of believers’ feelings, that they cannot be subsumed under the “social group” category and have nothing to do with freedom of expression. […]