Barclays leaves Lithuania, but only half the staff will lose their jobs

HCL Technologies has become Barclays’ global IT infrastructure service partner.

Furthermore, both companies have committed to cooperate on the global scale, focusing on digital workplace solutions, their press release reads.

“By employing significant investment into artificial intelligence and automatization, including the advanced automatization system DryICE, HCL plans to replace the user experience for more than 80 thousand Barclays staff across 26 countries. HCL will also supply Barclais with mainframe technology services,” the press release states.

Removing half the staff

As part of this agreement, the Lithuanian Barclays operation centre (BGOL) is halting its operations and intends to transfer around 460 jobs to HCL. The remaining jobs will be halted and severance pay will be offered.

Based on Sodra data, on November 30, Barclays had 810 employees in Lithuania, the average wage paid before tax was 4055.30 euro per month in October.

“The contract between HCL and Barclays has not been fully completed pending approval from oversight institutions, however the companies expect to conclude the agreement in Q1 2019,” the press release states.

About Edgaras Savickas 24 Articles
Ekonomikos teorija ir istorija – sritys, kuriomis itin susidomėjau dar studijų Vilniaus universitete metu. Šias žinias kasdien stengiuosi pritaikyti dirbdamas DELFI. Nagrinėdamas makroekonomikos, finansų, socialinės politikos ir kitas verslo temas visada siekiu laikytis pliuralizmo bei objektyvumo principų. Manau, kad laisva žiniasklaida yra vienas pamatinių demokratinės valstybės akmenų, o žurnalistai – tokios santvarkos gynėjai bei puoselėtojai.
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