Creators of Lithuania’s Real is Beautiful slogan launch free online photo database

Vilnius from a hot air balloon
Asmeninis archyvas

“Lithuania has no freely accessible photo database. The word ‘free’ is key. Creating it means going through all the red tape again: tenders, budgets, approvals. That was why the civil initiative came to life: let’s donate a photo to Lithuania,” Tomas Ramanauskas, creative director at the creative agency New!, told BNS.

The agency last year created the Real is Beautiful slogan and tourism concept for the Tourism Department.

The department’s head was forced to resign after it turned out at the start of this year that photos of locations outside Lithuania had been used to promote the country abroad under the slogan.

The website is primarily intended for non-professional photographers. Any user can upload photos, which are reviewed by a moderator before they are published. Photos available on the database can be freely used for non-commercial purposes.

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