D. Grybauskaitė congratulates Lithuania with the New Year: many challenges await in 2019

Dalia Grybauskaitė
Robertas Dačkus

“Good people of Lithuania, an extraordinary, historic year is ending! Distinct and colourful. We saw how many friends we have around the world, with them visiting us, congratulating us and presenting Lithuania’s name alongside us.

Next year, many challenges await. Both on the international arena and inside the country. We will overcome everything if we do not allow militant illiteracy and aggressive populism to take hold.

Let us protect free Lithuania and our people’s rights and freedoms. Let us defend them and fear nothing, instead having faith in ourselves! I wish everyone courage and wisdom! I congratulate You with the New Year!” the president said in her address to the nation.

Prime minister wishes for unity and working toward common goals

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis wished for Lithuania in 2019 to be a country that is “united, working toward common goals and reaching them.”

“When we are together, no challenges are frightening, together we can celebrate victories. I wish for there to be no lack of the sense of unity because I can see just how much we can do when we unite our strengths.

Our country is gaining strength, its economy growing and its people feeling safer. I believe that we will continue down this path next year as well. Let us create families, raise children, work and earn. Let us build a country in which everyone feels good.

I wish every one of you good health, fortune and many happy moments. The winter holidays are the time when families, relatives and friends gather at one table. Let there be ever more such gatherings and may the love of our close ones accompany us throughout the year. Happy New Year!” the prime minister’s address reads.

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