Raimondas Kurlianskis, a former vice president of the MG Baltic business group, will testify first on Aug. 27. He is also the first person mentioned in prosecutors’ indictment.
Kurlianskis said on Tuesday he does not understand the charges as they are ambiguous but eventually agreed to testify in court.
Eligijus Masiulis, the former leader of the Liberal Movement, also shared Kurlianskis’ view. “I can hardly understand the charges brought against me as they often do not match reality. I do not admit the brought charges, I did not do that but I am ready to testify”, he said.
Other defendants in the case, including former Labor Party member Vytautas Gapšys, former MP Šarūnas Gustainis and incumbent MP Gintaras Steponavičius also agreed to testify but do not admit their guilt.
Lawyers representing the Liberal Movement, the Labor Party and the MG Baltic business group, said their clients do not plead guilty and will testify despite not understanding the charges.
Kurlianskis is charged with paying a bribe to Masiulis, Gustainis and Gapšys. The businessman is suspected of this way trying to secure favorable decision in the parliament.