The EP Legal Affairs Committee is discussing the issue at a meeting on Monday afternoon, exchanging opinions on the matter before making a decision at a later date. Evelyn Regner of the Socialists has been appointed as rapporteur on Uspaskich’s immunity.
Uspaskich is a substitute member of the Committee on Legal Affairs.
The Monday’s meeting will also address immunity of Portuguese MEP Ana Gomes.
The European Parliament already lifted Uspaskich’s legal immunity in 2010; the whole request processing took 14 months. But he regained his immunity on 1 July after being re-elected to the Parliament.
In July 2013, a Vilnius court found Uspaskich guilty of fraud and fraudulent bookkeeping and sentenced him to four years in prison. Uspaskich denies his guilt and is calling the whole process politically-motivated.
The sentence can come into force only after the Court of Appeals passes a ruling.
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