Equality watchdog gets complaint over its own anti-violence campaign

Anti-violence campaign

The complaint was lodged by an NGO, the National Justice and Defence Union, which says the campaign discriminates against men, the Lietuvos Žinios daily reports.

“This campaign is an instance of feminist propaganda encouraged and supported by EU institutions,” its board member Tomas Markevičius said.

In his words, the visual material makes an impression that only men are domestic abusers and women are only victims.

The campaign was launched on 28 April and will continue for three weeks. It will feature TV videos and online banners where abusing men are shown as dogs, pigs and jackasses. Posters with such images will also feature on busses at at bus stops in Lithuania’s major cities.

The EOOO-initiated campaign is funded by the European Commission. Its budget totals EUR 78,000.

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