Expatriate voting results

Big Ben

Based on Central Electoral Commission (VRK) data, Lithuanians voting from abroad have had a fairly different distribution of votes compared to those in Lithuania.

During the first round, the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats earned the most votes, with the Liberal Movement coming in second, earning half the amount of votes. Preliminary data suggests that 46% of the expat vote went to the Conservatives, with the Liberals earning 22%.

The Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union did not earn as much trust, gaining 8% of the expat vote, with the Social Democrats taking a shaky fourth.

The expats appear to be of a belief that other parties are unworthy of entering Seimas. VRK representative Mindaugas Skačkauskas points out that a quarter of those voting from abroad live in the UK.

Preliminary data suggests that over 14 thousand expatriates participated, with 19 thousand registering, 2000 more than in the previous election.

The VRK is still awaiting further votes posted from abroad.

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