EUR 150,000 was allocated from appropriations designated to the Ministry of Agriculture. The funds will be used to pay for export permits, translate certificates and organise visits of third country officials who grant export permits. Lithuanian business people had asked to address these issues and the funding will enable Lithuania to enter new markets.
In late January the Ministry of Economy announced a call for proposals for EUR 600,000 support under a measure Expo Certificate LT. By 21 April, small and medium-sized companies may apply to cover the cost of certification testing and research, transportation of certified products and translation of certification documents or travel of experts who conduct certification.
On Wednesday’s sitting the Government decided to supplement the list of recommended measures by new initiatives. Export promotion projects implemented by Enterprise Lithuania will include new measures such as Export Club, Export Academy and BrandLab. Companies will be provided assistance entering new markets, their management abilities will be enhanced, they will be consulted on branding and brand awareness.
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