Grybauskaitė refuses to enter war of words with Pranckietis: everything is clear

Dalia Grybauskaitė
DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

Visiting the renewed Vilnius region Adomas Mickevičius Public Library, the head of state was unwilling to develop the topic she brought up in her address.

“It was clear to me,” D. Grybauskaitė responded when asked, what she had in mind if for some, her words were not fully clear.

Pranckietis has his own thoughts on the address

In an interview to Žinių Radijas, the Seimas speaker’s response to the president’s urging to prevent militant illiteracy and populism from taking hold was that D. Grybauskaitė is simply fishing for slogans.

“I believe that we sometimes look to present some notable phrase, which one wants to have quoted,” V. Pranckietis stated according to ELTA.

Finally, the head of Seimas expressed doubt whether the encouragement to combat populism is even relevant.

“Populism has and always will be because much more is promised during elections than can be accomplished,” the speaker summarised.

About Dalia Plikune 52 Articles
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