Jew savers to be honored in Lithuania

Over 30 Lithuanian citizens who saved Jews will be awarded with Life Saving Crosses at the Presidential Palace in the morning. Most of them will be awarded posthumously. The ceremony will be attended by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, other family members.

Later in the day, a memorial stone to honor those who saved Jews in Nazi-occupied Lithuania will be unveiled in the Tymas area of Vilnius. The stone will mark the place where a monument will be later erected.

The ceremonies will be held one the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Genocide of Lithuanian Jews on Sunday to mark the 75th anniversary of the liquidation of Vilnius Ghetto on Sept. 23-24, 1943.

Around 90 percent of the Jewish population of around 200,000 were killed by German Nazis and their collaborators in Lithuania during the Holocaust.

More than 900 Lithuanians have been awarded as Righteous Among Nations by Israel for rescuing Jews from the Holocaust.

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