Justice vice-minister calls prison audit allegations ‘a slap in the face’

Raimondas Bakšys
DELFI / Diana Augūnaitė

“I read the headlines that I hampered (audits). This is a slap in the face,” Bakšys told BNS.

Based on the auditors’ findings, changes are being made in the prison system and shortcomings are being removed. Therefore, allegations that he hampered these audits are absurd, he said.

Rasa Kazėnienė, a former employee of the Lithuanian Prisons Department who currently works at the Justice Ministry, said at a news conference earlier in the day that Bakšys had blocked an initiative to report large-scale damage to the state during an audit of the Pravieniškės correctional facility.

Bakšys said that he had no influence on auditors, who report directly to the minister.

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