Karbauskis: the classified document mentions specific names

Saulius Skvernelis, Ramūnas Karbauskis
DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The “Farmer” leader confirmed to news media that he read through the classified document mentioned by the prime minister and while he does not reveal any names or who they are associated with, he assures that it is specific names that are brought up. R. Karbauskis also confirms that trade unions are not brought up in it, but was uncertain whether the names mentioned are associated to the unions.

In terms of the prime minister’s decision to declare his appeal to the intelligence services without being able to disclose any concrete information, R. Karbauskis is supportive, explaining that this step would encourage the relevant institutions to take steps, knowing that the public is informed and following the matter.

Delfi reminds that S. Skvernelis mentioned on Tuesday that he has contacted the intelligence services. The State Security Department has confirmed to have received the appeal, however did not offer comments on its content.

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