Krikštaponis to be appointed director of Lithuanian Prison Department this week

Jurgita Jacovskiene, spokeswoman for the Justice Ministry, has confirmed to BNS that Krikštaponis, who has won the position through a competitive selection process, will be sworn in on Friday.

Krikštaponis has recently worked as head of prevention at the state-owned electricity production group Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba (Lithuanian Energy Production). His previous career included similar positions at Vilniaus Energija (Vilnius Energy) and the power distribution company Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai, as well as 15 years in the police system.

The post of director at the Prison Department has been vacant since last March when Živilė Mikėnaitė resigned from the job amid an in-house probe.

Artūras Norkevičius, a former director of the Prison Department, won a competition for the job, but Vainiutė decided not to appoint him and launched a new call for applications to fill the position.

The Justice Ministry said in early November that it was initiating an overhaul of the prison system.

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