A centennial bus will leave the Tallinn bus terminal at midnight of Feb. 16, leaving the Riga terminal just after 4 a.m., Neringa Vaisbrode, coordinator of the centennial festivities, said on Thursday.
“On the occasion of restored Lithuania, we want to invite our Baltic brothers and sisters to celebrate together. All together, just like we did during the Baltic Way,” reads the press release.
“The centennial is the success story of all people of Lithuania and the Lithuanians living abroad, our ancestors, grandparents and parents. We are not celebrating the date only, we are celebrating the success story of one hundred years,” said the message.
Organizers said the arriving Latvians and Estonians would be able to visit various events, for instance, the ceremony of hoisting of the Baltic flags outside the Lithuanian President’s Office, a concert in the Cathedral Square and the statehood march across the old town.