It was agreed at the meeting that Lithuania and Germany will begin intensifying cooperation in the area of defence industry and procurement. “Lithuania’s interest to acquire the PZH 2000 howitzers should become a launch-pad for a long-term cooperation in military technology. We hope that the number of such projects will increase in the future,” Dr. Urbelis said.
He also welcomed Germany’s decision to send rotating forces to our region. “Pre-positioning is the right response to the present security situation modelled by the Russian aggression in Ukraine,” he underlined. Germany will deploy its soldiers and military equipment in Lithuania as of April, while in June German military will take part in Exercise Iron Wolf held in Lithuania. Over 500 German soldiers are expected to be sent to Lithuania this year.
Other points addressed at the meeting were security situation in the region and Ukraine, and extension of the European Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Lithuania expects that arrangements will be agreed on in detail during the upcoming visit of the federal minister of defence in Lithuania. Germany also plans posting military personnel to the NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs) that will be established in the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries.
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