Lithuanian PM backs establishment of intelligence ombudsman

Saulius Skvernelis
DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

“If there is such a proposal, it is really very important. I do support it,” he told the Žinių Radijas radio station on Thursday.

Skvernelis added that the special services are trustworthy, but “there is always a theoretical possibility of abuse”.

“Such a safeguard certainly allows the public to have more confidence in the special services,” he said.

NSGK on Wednesday approved the findings of its investigation into businesses’ unlawful influence on political processes.

The committee says, among other things, that Russia’s nuclear energy giant Rosatom and MG Baltic, a local business group, posed a threat to Lithuania’s national security by acting non-transparently and exerting unlawful influence on political processes.

Dainius Gaižauskas, a member of the Seimas committee, told reporters that an intelligence ombudsman would have broad authorization to monitor investigations by the State Security Department.

He added that the job would most likely be given to a former intelligence officer.

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