Lithuanian police open 47 pre-trial probes into child pornography

Evidence in child pornography case
Policijos departamentas

Suspicions were brought against 19 individuals, with status of special witness given to 26 persons.

The authorities conducted 55 searches, seizing 750 computers, cell phones and external data storage units.

“The police operation conducted to fight distribution of pornographic content and persons engaged in these deeds is a continued activity. Efforts against such type of criminal deeds is one of the priority fields in Lithuania and abroad,” Rolandas Kiškis, chief of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau, said in a press release.

Suspects may face up to four years in prison.

All of the investigations are controlled by prosecutors of the Prosecutor General’s Office and district prosecutor’s offices.

On Oct. 9-13 last year, Lithuanian police also conducted a large-scale regional police operation on disposal of pornographic content containing images of children. Forty-one probes were then started, including some of them already in courts.

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