Lithuanian president sings Estonian patriotic song as centennial greeting

They sang an excerpt from a popular Estonian song entitled “Eestlane olen ja Eestlaseks Jaan” (“I am Estonian and I will remain Estonian”) in the White Hall of the Presidential Palace.

Originally recorded in 1988, the song became a key Estonian patriotic song as the Baltic country declared Independence from the Soviet Union.

In the video greeting posted on the president’s official website, Grybauskaitė sings the excerpt together with Andrius Mamontovas, Algirdas Kauspedas, Igoris Kofas, Gabrielius Liaudanskas-Svaras, Monika Linkytė and other performers.

The president ended the greeting by saying in Estonian, “Merry Centenary, Dear Estonia!”.

Grybauskaitė has also sent an official message of congratulation to her Estonian counterpart, Kersti Kaljulaid, wishing the nation “continued success and prosperity in the next one hundred years of their national statehood”, the Lithuanian president’s press office said in a press release.

Estonia declared its Independence on Feb. 24, 1918, slightly more than a week after it was done by Lithuania.

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