Lithuanian prosecutors to analyze ECHR decision on CIA prison in their probe

Abu Zubaydah, suspected CIA jail in Antaviliai
DELFI montažas

“Decisions on the further course of the ongoing pre-trial investigation will be taken only after a detailed analysis of the ECHR’s official judgement and its reasoning,” the Prosecutor General’s Office said in a press release on Thursday.

The prosecutors emphasize that they actively cooperated with the ECHR in its hearing of Abu Zubaydah’s complaint against Lithuania and provided the court with information related with its pre-trial investigation.

The Prosecutor General’s Office has not named any suspects in its pre-trial investigation regarding illegal transportation of people across the national border and abuse of office, which has been underway for more than four years now.

The prosecutors say that they have sent requests for legal assistance to the United States, Poland, Romania and other countries as part of the probe.

“Responses from some countries have been received, but no information of significant to the investigation has been received to date,” the office said in the press release.

The prosecutors stay that they cannot disclose the details of the pre-trial investigation as some of the information is classified.

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