Lithuanians more satisfied with their lives than ever, says EU survey

Though Lithuania’s satisfaction index is growing, it still lags behind some of its neighbours – 85 percent of Poles are satisfied with their lives, and so are 80 percent of Estonians. The satisfaction percent in Latvia was 73 percent.

Lithuanians’ opinions on the economy have steadily been improving since 2009, though they’ve slowed since last year. Now, 37 percent of Lithuanians believe that the Lithuanian economy is doing well. 32 percent of Lithuanians believe that the job market is doing well in Lithuania, which is higher than the EU average of 30 percent.

Despite an improving positive outlook, the number of Lithuanians with positive outlooks on their household finances has decreased – from 65 percent in 2014 to 62 percent in 2015.

The most satisfied country in Europe was Denmark, closely followed by Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland and Luxembourg. The least-satisfied countries were Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia.

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