LRT complains to journalist ethics inspector over S. Jakeliūnas’ statements

Stasys Jakeliūnas
DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

The complaint sent to the Journalist Ethics Inspector refers to Stasys Jakeliūnas‘ statement at a Seimas sitting on November 8, where the political party law amendment project was discussed. The MP described the LRT as being biased and the ideas, propaganda and position of a single party being financed with tax payers’ money.

“This is not interference with content, this is stopping propaganda,” he stated.

The director general of LRT, Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė has responded that the allegations against the LRT were unfounded, with no facts to back it up. She expressed hope that based on the factual circumstances and legal arguments presented in the document, S. Jakeliūnas’ claims, which have harmed the LRT’s formal reputation, will be denied.

S. Jakeliūnas’ statement could be seen on Seimas – Tiesiogiai (Seimas – Direct) online and on cable TV, a transcript could be read on the news portals and

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