MG Baltic calls parlt committee probe “political farce”

“From the very beginning it was obvious that this process, called an investigation, did not match minimal standards of the rule of law. The whole investigation is a political farce and discrediting of the state. And the so-called conclusions are a selective and politicized mixture of rumor-based reports, with episodes of clear disinformation that has nothing to do with reality,” the business group said in a statement.

The NSGK probe will have negative consequences for the business environment in Lithuania, the statement said.

“The political and selective investigation has unlawfully criminalized Lithuania’s large business groups and discredited them in both Lithuania and abroad,” MG Baltic says.

The NSGK approved its probe conclusions on Wednesday and concluded that MG Baltic’s activity poses threat to the state’s interests, order and national security.

Last October, the committee launched its parliamentary probe into business groups’ influence on political processes and decision-makers. Part of information submitted to the committee by the State Security Department [VSD] was later declassified and published. The conclusions are mainly based on materials from the VSD and also the Special Investigation Service.

The VSD report to the committee states that MG Baltic is an “oligarchic structure” with the widest grip and most ambitious goals regarding political processes.

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