MP Karbauskis: Farmers will unanimously vote to strip MP Bastys of mandate

Mindaugas Bastys
DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Karbauskis also expressed certitude that the Constitutional Court‘s conclusion regarding Bastys would be negative.

“The Constitutional Court will probably take the decision stated by our ad hoc commission, and we at the parliament will probably vote unanimously to make Bastys lose his mandate, as the accusations are very serious and based on factual data,” Karbauskis told Žinių Radijas news radio in an interview on Wednesday morning.

The Bastys impeachment commission currently working at the Lithuanian parliament should submit its conclusion by May 15 as to whether there are grounds for opening impeachment proceedings against him.

Bastys faces impeachment due to the ties, as specified in materials from the State Security Department, to Yevgeny Kostin, who is seen as a representative of Rosatom, Piotr Voyeiko, a former KGB agent, Ernest Matskevich, a journalist of the Russian state channel RTR, Saturnas Dubininkas, who is said to be a former Kaunas mafia leader, and Vadim Pakhomov, a businessman suspected of illegal activity.

The department said the ties made Bastys vulnerable and jeopardize the safety of state secrets he has access to. The parliament has endorsed the conclusions by the National Security and Defense Committee, which found him operating against Lithuania’s interests and listed the ties with the individuals working for Russia as a threat to national security.

Bastys denies all accusations, emphasizing he had not breached his oath as an MP.

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