MPs stand up for Ukraine in front of Hungary

“It came as an unpleasant surprise and even a shock to hear about the ultimatums of the Hungarian government, threatening to block Ukraine’s closer relations with the European Union (EU) and NATO, if Ukraine does not follow the Hungarian request to revise the new Ukrainian education law that stipulates specific education for persons belonging to ethnic minorities,” reads the address.

Initiated by conservative ex-PM Andrius Kubilius, the document was signed by 37 of Lithuania’s 141 parliamentarians after Budapest said it would block all EU decisions in connection to further cohesion between the EU and Kiev over the newly-adopted education amendments, which stipulate that all subjects in the country’s schools would be taught in the Ukrainian language after 2020.

“We understand that issues of minority education and integration in public life are always extremely sensitive and should be solved by way of a constructive dialogue. We see Ukraine’s efforts to solve the key problems in this way,” the document suggests.

According to the address, the attention of Ukraine’s neighbors to the Ukrainian education law is not surprising, however, the astonishing part is “the Hungarian administration’s ultimatums for Ukraine and threats of geopolitical consequences, threatening to block Ukraine’s EU integration efforts.”

“Such ultimatums are categorically unacceptable, fully not European and beyond comprehension, when they come from a country in Central Europe. We all know well the geopolitical importance of our EU integration,” reads the address.

It also also raises the question whether “Hungary is willing to aspire to goals in Ukraine that would match the goals of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin.”

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