Members of parliament Naglis Puteikis, Kristupas Krivickas and former Seimas Anti-corruption Commission chairman Ligitas Kernagis are reportedly suing the Lithuanian government and Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius for failing to check price rises after the introdiction of the euro.
“The vast majority of Lithuanian people personally felt the apparent price increase of goods and services after the euro was introduced,” Puteikis said.
“Therefore, Lithuanians going to shop in Poland and the huge queues for cheaper goods […] are natural phenomena that only surprises the nomenclature and the so-called elites who cannot imagine the poverty that ordinary people have to suffer. As the prime minister and the Department of Statistics under his management do not want to admit the obvious appreciation of goods and services, we decided to go to court and to force the Lithuanian government to recognize its responsibility for the fact that it has failed to control price increases,” according to Puteikis.
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