OECD membership to make Lithuania more attractive to investors – speaker

Viktoras Pranckietis
DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

“It’s important for investors, and jobs are important for ordinary people, and the job creation depends on the OECD membership as well. … It’s needed because investors would have a better opinion about our country,” he told the Žinių Radijas news radio on Wednesday.

As OECD experts call on the Lithuanian government to step up income redistribution, the speaker said changes are planned in this area.

OECD experts also believe the wage difference in Lithuania and other European countries will decrease too slowly for the level of emigration to go down in the future. Moreover, income inequality remains fairly big and the living standards of the poorest households have barely improved in recent years.

Lithuania will sign an agreement on its accession to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Convention later in the day, and will officially become the 36th OECD member.

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