PM: voters will decide whether SocDems head Govt for another 4 years

Algirdas Butkevičius after casting his vote in the Seimas elections 2016
DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“It will depend upon the society – if it gives its trust, a politician must decide and live up to its expectations,” Butkevičius told journalists on Sunday when asked about his readiness to head the government for another four years.

After casting his ballot in Vilnius on Sunday, the Social Democratic Party’s leader said he expected his party to secure between 35 and 40 mandates in the 141-seat parliament.

Asked whether he was not tired and would agree to be at the helm of the Cabinet for another term, Butkevičius stated: “I have no complaints.”

In his words, the Social Democrats have not yet discussed any coalitions, and future partnerships will depend on compatibility of provisions contained in election programs and ability to “find common grounds on what should be done in the coming years.”

Asked whether he would step down from the party’s leadership in case of poor election outcomes for the Social Democrats, Butkevičius said everything would be clear after the second round of voting held in two weeks.

During the last Seimas elections in 2012, the Social Democratic Party won 18.4 percent of the vote in multi-member voting in the first round of voting, securing a total of 38 mandates after both rounds.

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