“It’s the first strategic energy project implemented by us in twenty years, a project of such a scale and importance. It means that Lithuania is able to show, when necessary, a strong political will and to make strategic decisions, that it is able to implement the projects of such a scale by itself, without anyone’s help and with its own funds,” President Dalia Grybauskaitė told the LRT Radio on Thursday.
The LNG facility would help remedy the dependence on a single external supplier of natural gas, i.e., Russia’s gas concern Gazprom, she said.
“We started discussions in 2009-2010, adopted the law in 2011 and built the terminal – the first among three Baltic countries – in three years and a half. Sweden is the only other country of the Baltic Sea region to have such a terminal. For us, it means security, an alternative source of gas supply, the end to energy isolation, dependence from a single supplier – from Gazprom,” Grybauskaitė said.
The LNG facility’s vessel, which is currently sailing near the shore of Denmark, will arrive at the port of Klaipeda on 27 October.
The LNG facility will be opened officially on 3 December.
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