“I think there is nothing wrong in having discussions, since, as I’ve said before, the drafted model is a little too theoretical, the government has not done its homework of picking out just the key principles essential for our economy. It [the drafted legislation] is excessive, that is why it got stuck in the Seimas,” Grybauskaitė said during her annual media conference on Thursday.
The new social model envisages liberalizing labour relations and reforming the pension system. Although it has attracted considerable criticism from labour unions, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius has said on numerous occasions he wants to pass the package before the end of the government’s term this year.
The president said the reform needs to be coordinated with all social partners, i.e., both employers and labour unions. “Unless that is done, we are only inciting unnecessary tensions and antagonisms. And I do not think it is so absolutely necessary to push through the entire package without having filtered the crucial elements,” the president said.
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