This will be the last but one State of the Nation Address by Grybauskaitė, whose second term will end in the summer of 2019.
According to the president’s office, Grybauskaitė has over the past year tabled nine draft laws, seven of which have been adopted by the parliament, and has made 23 foreign trips.
Under the Constitution, the head of state has the duty to deliver the State of the Nation Address on the situation in Lithuania and internal and foreign policies. It will be Grybauskaitė’s ninth annual address.
In last year’s speech, the president criticized the ruling parties for protracted state management confusion and uncertainty over some reforms. She also paid attention to a bad situation in the social security area, criticized the quality of higher education and state enterprises and also lacked reforms in the healthcare system
The president also stressed the need to eliminate political corruption and oligarchic lawlessness.
Grybauskaitė was elected president in May 2009 and re-elected for a second term in June 2014.