“So far I have no one; a meeting of the Political Council will take place shortly and we have included this issue into the agenda. We will discuss it during the meeting,” Butkevičius told LRT radio on Wednesday.
The prime minister also could not tell if the office will remain in the hands of the LLRA.
“So far I cannot answer this question, there are many proposals. It is too early to speak about it,” said Butkevičius.
The prime minister says he is certain about his decision and claims it was made with respect to the decisions made by the Political Council of the Coalition.
“It should be noted that the Cabinet is formed by the prime minister. This decision has been made by the Political Council. The leaders of the parties have the right to delegate their ministers, they submit nominations to the prime minister and afterwards we discuss with leaders of the party the suitability of those nominations. All the requirements of the Political Council were met, while I cannot really dedicate so much time and be involved in political games completely unnecessary for Lithuania, but perhaps useful for some politicians,” said Butkevičius.
The Political Council of the four ruling parties will convene on Monday.
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