Reach for Change is announcing a list of 100 social innovations


Reach for Change together with The Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania launched Project 100 – 100 social innovations for the next century. The project highlights and empowers innovation, capable of changing the lives of children and young people in the Nordic-Baltic region. Why? To reach the Sustainable Development Goals, social innovations are a powerful catalyst for change. 

For the past ten years, Reach for Change has been actively supporting social entrepreneurs in the Baltic-Nordic region to develop and scale their innovative solutions. This year we are excited to launch Project 100, aimed to highlight social innovations to connect the region and further develop social entrepreneurship as a method to create change. We also hope to inspire others to take action, says Jurgita Ribinskaite- Glatzer, Country Manager Baltics, Reach for Change.

Reach for Change with support from The Nordic Council of Ministers Office Lithuania, TV3 and Tele2 in Lithuania are announcing a list of 100 social innovations through the webpage The project presents 100 success stories of young social entrepreneurs and their efforts to turn life-changing ideas into reality. Every week the website will expand with new ideas, until it has reached 100 social innovations. Seven Nordic and Baltic countries are involved in the project: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

Goals of the Reach for Change

Ultimate goal of this project is to increase the public awareness about life changing social innovations and encourages active participation in creating social value for children and youth.  We see a need for facilitating networking and partnership in the region. You will be surprised to see how many synergies are among ideas in the region, we hope they have chance to meet, learn from each other and maybe even scale in the region. Ultimately, this would lead to better cooperation and stronger youth networks across the Baltic Sea, quality of life for children and youth in the region and stronger youth engagements, says Helén Nilsson, Director of The Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania.

The project will finish with a conference, where the participants will have the opportunity to meet their peers, share their knowledge and network. The conference is taking place on Tuesday, May 28 at Culture Bar Kablys, Kauno str. 5 in Vilnius.

The evaluation process of the 100 social innovations was conducted by representatives from Reach for Change, various professionals from Baltic and Nordic countries, as well as, external experts from a variety of professional fields.

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