Seimas commission proposes to strip MP Pūkas of immunity

Kęstutis Pūkas
DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Seven members of the commission voted in favour and one abstained. The proposal will now be put up for vote by the full Seimas, with at least 71 votes needed for lifting the lawmaker’s immunity.

Prosecutors want to bring formal suspicions of sexual harassment and violation of the rules for keeping firearms against Pūkas.

They say that four women’s testimonies and information gathered as part of the pre-trial investigation provide reasonable grounds to suspect that Pūkas between January and February 2017 sexually harassed persons subordinate to him.

The Seimas has also launched impeachment proceedings against the lawmaker. The process has been paused pending the Constitutional Court‘s opinion on whether he violated the Constitution.

Pūkas, who was elected to the parliament on the Order and Justice list, says that his political opponents are behind the impeachment efforts.

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