Seimas committee wants ‘to show shadow political process’ to public – head

NSGK meeting
DELFI / Kiril Čachovskij

Vytautas Bakas, the committee’s chairman, says that the document will give the names of people mentioned in the investigation, but underlines that this is aimed at showing how the centers of power work, rather than taking revenge on someone.

“We don’t investigate individual politicians, individuals or journalists; we analyze how centers of power that influenced and are trying to influence political decisions work,” he told reporters on Friday.

“We want to show the shadow political process to society, rather than taking revenge someone by giving their names. It is also important to propose directions that could change the political culture so that such centers of power do not form and that decisions are made by those elected by people,” he said.

He denied that the findings of the investigation will only be intermediate and that the probe may be extended.

The chairman said that the findings will be based both on information declassified by the State Security Department and on classified materials.

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