Sadauskas is summoned for a meeting with Parliamentary Speaker Viktoras Pranckietis and members of the board on Friday morning.
“The meeting will address the yesterday’s situation and the opinion stated in his blog. The ombudsman’s statement looks ambiguous. We want to hear all parties before stating a position about further actions,” Karolina Frolovienė, spokeswoman for the parliamentary speaker, told BNS on Friday.
Parliamentary Vice-Speaker Gediminas Kirkilas said the initiative proposed by Sadauskas was incompatible with the post, urging him to resign.
“I believe he should step down. I believe it is a misleading attitude, to say the least, if he is somehow trying to justify the involvement of Lithuanians in the genocide, this cannot be justified. Especially being the ombudsman for academic ethics, you cannot state such stance, while being an official appointed by the parliament,” said Kirkilas.
“I would say this is indeed anti-Semitism. I don’t know whether a person can continue in the post, the leadership should look at the moral standard of such individual, the information should also interest prosecutors,” said Faina Kukliansky, the leader of the Jewish Community of Lithuania.
She spoke in response to Sadauskas’ blog entry where he offered 1,000 euros “to a school student, a university student, a postgraduate student, a teacher or a scientist who will collect information, documents, materials and write a thesis (at least 10 printed pages) or a publication about individuals of Jewish nationality who killed people, contributed to deportations or tortures.”
Sadauskas said this was an attempt to prove that Jews were not a nation of criminals.