“Delivery of this euro shipment will ensure replenishment of our cash holdings and smooth circulation of euro banknotes in Lithuania,” said Mindaugas Vilkelis, director of the Bank of Lithuania Cash Service.
The euro banknote shipment was delivered to Vilnius in accordance with the plan approved by the European Central Bank (ECB).
In transporting the banknotes, it is necessary to follow strict safety procedures and requirements, including flying the banknotes during daylight hours, limiting traffic while transporting them to the vaults and other security measures. Due to security, the cash delivery time, route, security and other details cannot be disclosed to the public ahead of time.
Euro banknotes are printed at around 16 heavily secured European printing houses. From there, in coordination with the ECB, the banknotes are distributed to the national central banks.
Under the direction of the ECB, the national central banks reallocate the banknotes, so that there would not be a lack of them in a country or that there would not be too many of them.
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