Skvernelis’ campaign intrigue: three famous women will endorse him

Saulius Skvernelis
DELFI / Rafael Achmedov

According to him, currently S. Skvernelis’ electoral headquarters has been fully formed and is operating, a team is being formed.

“I can declare that during the conference, the first three team members will be participating, they are well known and active Lithuanian women, who have contributed to increasing transparency,” S. Malinauskas stated.

According to him, on Wednesday, S. Skvernelis’ electoral programme will be presented alongside specific tasks and commitments, which he plans to accomplish.

“He will present a detailed list both in terms of time and in terms of specific actions he would plan to accomplish as head of state. The key tasks will also be specified,” S. Malinauskas said.

According to him, the electoral headquarters’ head will be presented as well as how S. Skvernelis imagines Lithuania.

“He will declare about representation opening around Lithuania. Compared to other candidates, he began campaigning later. There were objective reasons for this – cabinet work is intensive, however it will intensify further,” S. Malinauskas said.

The public relations manager noted that the necessary 20 thousand signatures to become a presidential candidate have been gathered and there are ongoing negotiations with potential partners in public relations. S. Malinauskas also added that Darius Gudelis and his company are not involved with the campaign.

About Dalia Plikune 52 Articles
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