Skvernelis softens his tone

Saulius Skvernelis
DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to him, this will lead nowhere and the situation must change. The PM urged the conflicting sides to put aside their differences and engage in constructive actions. As a first step, S. Skvernelis states he has given instructions to form a negotiation or work commission, which will be tasked with creating a stable and long-term strategy for public sector financing by 2025. The commission is expected to provide specific proposals by March 10, in time for them to be presented to the Seimas on the first days of the spring session. Representatives of trade unions, municipalities and all political parties are to be included.

The PM emphasises that some of the changes that have been implemented based on dialogue with some trade unions have already yielded positive results, but admits mistakes have been made and pledges to strive to fix them.

About Aleksandra Ketleriene 17 Articles
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