Special event for active Lithuanian professionals held in Stockholm

Legendary rock musician A. Kaušpėdas at a joined conference "Connect to Lithuania" in Stockholm. Photos by Justina Rosengren

Around 60 Lithuanian professionals living in and around Stockholm attended the conference.

During the event speeches were given by the Ambassador Eitvydas Bajarūnas, Chairwoman of the Lithuanian Community in Sweden Rūta Miklovienė, the head of Stockholm Lithuanian Business Club Rūta Smertinienė, the head of „Global Lithuanian Leaders“ Kotryna Stankutė-Jaščemskienė, the director of company “Alliance for Recruitment“ Andrius Francas, Danske Group IT Lithuania, head Giedrius Dzekunskas, talent recruitment director Rūta Bėrytė-Gaižutė of service centre in Lithuania of international insurance company AIG and the founder of the project “Backto.lt” Linas Stankus.

The final speech at the event was given by a famous Lithuanian public figure, architect and musician Algirdas Kaušpėdas, who spoke about an idea of “Lithuania of the world/Global Lithuania” and presented a project by a group of enthusiasts to celebrate the 100th anniversary of declaration of Lithuania’s Independence by organizing an auto-moto journey around the world.

The aim of this event in Stockholm was to create the environment where successful Lithuanian business leaders could meet Lithuanian professionals living in Sweden. And to give the opportunity for Lithuanians living in Sweden to learn about career opportunities back in Lithuania, to get involved in discussion and development of activities that unite Lithuanians around the globe, to contribute to the growth and prosperity of Lithuania. Discussions included such topics as the possible ways and solutions to improve social, cultural and business environment in Lithuania so that coming back to Lithuania would become more attractive.

According to Ambassador Bajarūnas, it is great to see that a program “Global Lithuania” („Globali Lietuva“ in Lithuanian) which was started by Lithuanian Government a few years ago, received a lot of attention and wish for cooperation from such movements as „Global Lithuanian Leaders“ and “Backto.lt”, which are contributing in gathering active Lithuanians all around the world. Global Lithuania is open to all Lithuanians no matter where they are living. Lithuania is influenced by processes of globalization, but luckily Lithuanians have the right of free movement of labour within the EU. It is important to retain and to strengthen the connections between Lithuanians who live abroad and those who are living in their home country. It is also important to inform Lithuanian diaspora about the changes in Lithuania and new job opportunities. Lithuanian diplomacy and Lithuanian Embassy to Sweden are actively contributing to the development of relations between Lithuania and Lithuanian emigrants in Sweden.

“Global Lithuanian Leaders” (GLL) network connects around 700 international Lithuanian professionals around the world who are contributing their knowledge, experience and contacts in order to strengthen Lithuania‘s international position, support growing business and science.

Project “Backto.lt” during the past couple of years has arranged events in different countries where the success stories of Lithuanian emigrants who came back to Lithuania are shared.

This is not the first event of such format in Stockholm. With the help of the embassy Lithuanians are encouraged to go back to their home country. In 2012 another conference was organized together with “Global Lithuanian Leaders”, it was attended by the minister of economy and in 2013 m. another joint event was organized together with project “Backto.lt”.

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