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Foreign affairs

Audit finds errors in a sixth of EU-funded projects in Lithuania

Over the last year, an average of every sixth European Union project audited by the National Audit Office of Lithuania was found to have financial errors. […]


Supervision of Lithuania’s tourism sector insufficient, auditors say

Implementing the Public Audit Programme of 2015, National Audit Office of Lithuania has already conducted one third of the financial (regularity) audits and prepared their reports. The report of the audit of the Ministry of Economy has been presented to the public – how Ministry as well as institutions under the Ministry performed the delegated functions and used the funds allocated for the implementation of various programmes during 2014, the Office reports. […]

Riga Port

Latvian State Audit: Port managers have forgotten that ports are national property

The fight between Latvian State Audit and managements of the largest Latvian ports has been going on for more than three years. The SA notes that the endless port sorting expectation continues in Latvia. In order to put an end to it, Transport Ministry must introduce regulations regarding the payment of fees for the use of port infrastructure on a legislative level. […]