Lithuanian passport

Two faces of dual citizenship

Up to the referendum on dual citizenship it is necessary to clearly answer questions of whether foreign “spies” will not appear in the Lithuanian military, whether we will have MPs living thousands of kilometres away […]

Agnė Širinskienė
Foreign affairs

Seimas again delays ratification of free trade deal with Canada

The Lithuanian parliament’s Health Affairs Committee has no intentions of deciding on ratification of the free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Canada any time soon, although Lithuania’s diplomats expected decisions on the matter during the spring session already. […]

Vilnius' Town Hall in rainbow colours

Seimas hosts LGBT+ portraits for IDAHOT

IDAHOT (International Day of Homophobia and Transphobia), celebrated around the world on May 17, was also commemorated by the most prestigious Lithuanian institutions. In addition to Vilnius Town Hall being lit up in the colours of the rainbow, the gallery of the Lithuanian Parliament hosted an exhibition of Lithuanian LGBT+ community portraits taken by Samanta Matuizaitė (ARCANA FEMINA), organisers announced in a press release. […]

Neris riverbank

Vilnius to spend millions on city regeneration but critics remain

Vilnius City Council will spend millions of euros regenerating the Neris riverbank, building two new swimming pools, improving cycle lanes and upgrading the city’s parks in the next year, but critics remain. […]