Archaeological explorations of the complex of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius at Vokiečių g.13A @ Vilnius Municipality (9)

Archaeologists from Lithuania, Israel and USA exploring territory of the Great Synagogue complex

Vilnius which is changing every day makes every effort to preserve values of cultural heritage – archaeological explorations of the complex of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius (at Vokiečių g. 13A) started on 12 July, and on 2 – 6 September, creative workshops for preserving its heritage will be held. The restoration of the entire territory and the adjacent areas is planned by 2023. […]

Vilnius synagogue
Global LT

Lithuania: my journey of return

As a Cape Town born Jew, my life has come full circle. Although I was born after his death, my zeida, Rabbi Shimon Ze’ev Aysenberg, played an indelible influence in my life. My father, Isaac Eisenberg, born in a stable in Mogilov, Belarus, in 1922, a medical doctor and writer, spent his life interpreting his childhood memories. […]

The Vilnius Great Synagogue
Global LT

Vilnius should establish World Litvak Museum, restore YIVO institute

Vilnius has been suggested to establish the World Litvak Museum and restore a Jewish research institute, as well as pay tribute to the memory of Jews who contributed to the restoration of Lithuania’s statehood in the government building. […]