Lithuania's ambassador to the UN Raimonda Murmokaitė

Lithuania holds informal meeting of UN on situation in Crimea, eastern Ukraine

At the United Nations – first-hand testimonies on violations of human rights in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. On 19 March, the Permanent Mission of Lithuania to the United Nations held an informal meeting of members of the Security Council on the situation in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. According to Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the UN, Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaitė, we see a rapidly deteriorating situation and grave violations of human rights a year after the illegal annexation of Crimea, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports. […]

President Dalia Grybauskaitė was presented with Ukraine's Person of the Year 2014 award in in Kyiv Źródło:

Ukraine’s Person of Year title is recognition for whole of Lithuania – Grybauskaitė

On March 21, during a solemn ceremony at the National Art Palace Ukraine in Kyiv, President Dalia Grybauskaitė was presented with Ukraine’s Person of the Year 2014 award. The title was bestowed on the president of Lithuania for her solid support to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and European aspirations, the presidential press service said. […]

Linas Linkevičius

Foreign Minister presents Lithuania’s readiness for OECD entry in Australia

Lithuania‘s Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius, currently on a visit in Australia, on March 23 presented the country’s readiness to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). […]

Ambassador  Žygimantas Pavilionis addressing the Lithuania Community
Global LT

Lithuania’s16 February Celebration in Washington USA

Lithuanians of the US Capital region celebrated on Sunday, 15 February, the 97th anniversary of Lithuania as the modern day State, on one of the most blistery, cold days in recent memory. The day’s celebration started with a Latin mass in St. Matthews Cathedral. Monsignor Rolandas Makrickas of the Apostolic Nunciature to the United States welcomed the congregation the historic downtown cathedral. At the end of the service, Deanne Howes sang the Lithuanian national anthem, joined by well over 150 Lithuanians. The attendees walked the short distance on icy sidewalks to a nearby hotel for a breakfast. Washington Lithuanian Community leader, Danelė Vidutienė, introduced Žygimantas Pavilionis, Lithuania’s Ambassador to the United States. The Ambassador gave a brief overview of his tenure in the US Capital. […]

In a building site

Estonian Merko gets big contract in Lithuania

Estonian construction concern AS Merko Ehitus group informed the Tallinn Stock Exchange of getting a EUR 15 million contract in Lithuania. […]

Swedish flag

Cooperation with Sweden is Lithuania’s key priority – ForMin Linkevičius

On 20 November in Vilnius, Lithuania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius met with Speaker of the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) Urban Ahlin and discussed bilateral and international policy issues, the ministry reports. […]

Lithuania's national flag

Public trust in army and police up in Lithuania

The confidence of Lithuanian residents in the police and army has increased, shows a poll published in Lietuvos Rytas daily on 22 November. […]